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How are campers assigned to bunks?
Campers are placed in bunks that are divided by grade. The beginning of camp is filled with various icebreakers and team building exercises to help the boys get to know their fellow bunkmates and learn how to live together. The campers also have the opportunity to spend time with friends who are not in their bunk during various group activities, electives, in their rest hour, and on trips.
What does a typical day look like?
The campers are woken up in the morning and begin the day with line up followed by a hearty breakfast. They will then gather for morning prayers that will be guided by the dedicated staff to ensure that campers of every background can follow along. Prayers will be followed by different sports activities led by a professional sports coach. After enjoying other activities that will vary by the day, the campers will sit down to a warm, nutritious lunch. Immediately following lunch will be electives that the campers will get to choose to their preference. The boys will then cool off with swimming in the camp pool.
‘Torah Time’ is a moment in the busy day where the campers will be invited to explore their Jewish Heritage through riveting, relatable lessons given by our staff members. This will be followed by various exciting, daily activities after which dinner will be served.
The day will conclude with exciting night activities and then lights out. Time to rest up for the exciting day ahead!
How is the food in camp?
There is a full time chef on ground who will provide delicious, healthy, and fresh meals for your children in addition to scrumptious homemade snacks and treats.
There are plenty of snacks and beverages provided throughout the day, and all of our food and snacks are exclusively Kosher.
Additionally, a fully stocked canteen is available for campers to order extra snacks in the morning that will be delivered to their bunkhouse during their rest period.
How can I contact my son during camp?
Each camper has a weekly time slot to call home. The call schedule will be availabe in the Parent Hanbook.
Parents can email their children at Emails will be printed daily and distributed during lunchtime.​
How does laundry work?
For summer camp, camp will provide a laundry service once per session. Detergent will be provided.
What is camp’s Cell Phone Policy?
CKids Gan Israel adheres to a strict no cell phone policy. Campers that do bring cell phones to camp will be asked to hand them into the counselors upon arrival. We believe that the campers benefit immensely from an immersive camp experience without any distractions.
What shouldn’t my son bring to camp?
There is a recommended packing list available on the website. We strongly discourage parents from sending any expensive electronics or pricey clothing items. Camp will not be responsible for any personal belongings that are lost or broken.
Will I be able to visit my child during camp?
As of now, we are not having visiting day in camp, due to the duration of camp. No visitors will be allowed on the campsite at any time. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

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